Weatherization and Free Assistance with Parts, ID Help and Local Assistance Programs to assist the needy, the elderly, wounded warriors, or the unemployed.
The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) enables low-income, needy, unemployed veterans, families to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient. Funds are used to improve the energy performance of dwellings of needy families using the most advanced technologies and testing protocols available in the housing industry. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) provides funding to states, U.S. overseas territories, and Indian tribal governments, which manage the day-to-day details of the program. These governments, in turn, fund a network of local community action agencies, nonprofit organizations, and local governments that provide these weatherization services in every state, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and among Native American tribes.
The energy conservation resulting from these efforts of state and local agencies helps our country reduce its dependence on foreign oil and decrease the cost of energy for families in need while improving the health and safety of their homes. During the past 33 years, WAP has provided weatherization services to more than 6.4 million low-income households. Families receiving weatherization services for free will see their annual energy bills reduced by an average of about $425.00 – please contact you local electri and gas company or welfare assistance office. \
Another source might be a good samaritan program through your local Christain church, synagogue or Mosque.